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Home » How To Submit Site Map To Google Search Console.

How To Submit Site Map To Google Search Console.

Google search console is formerly known as webmaster tool. The Google webmaster tool is a free service. If you are new to the blog, I mean blogosphere, where millions are blogs already exist, if you desire to be the first page in  Google search engine, then you have definitely submitted your sitemap (XML) to webmaster tool.

Every new blogger must know what a sitemap is and why it is important to submit a sitemap to Google search console?

A sitemap is the map of XML file which contain the URL inside  in your blog. This XML file helps to search engine to crawl your site easily. Submitting sitemap Search engine index your pages and posts URL. You can likewise make an image sitemap and a video sitemap individually.

A sitemap can be generated in different ways depending upon what platform you are practicing. A sitemap can be created by Yoast SEO and other online sitemap generators.

Later in this post, I will discuss while submitting a sitemap why 404 error showing.

Steps to summit sitemap


If such message incurred while submitting a sitemap while these steps to submit a sitemap.

  • Copy the sitemap URL.(/sitemap_index.xml)
  • Go the search console.
  • Paste the sitemap URL.
  • Click submit the sitemap.

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Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

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