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 How to start your own blog and make money from it

How to start your own blog and make money from it.

Hey, friends, today in this post we will walk through, how we can make money from blogging, we can also make good money from YouTube and some other online business. But in this post, we talk about how you can make money from blogging alone.

Blogging is one of my preferred way to make online, and I frankly say it is the best and the greatest way to make money online. You can simply start your own blog. Only you need have to some skills like writing skill, internet connection and basic computer knowledge and readers etc.

I am going to share with you a complete blogging tutorial, which you can follow and help you to become a newbie blogger to professional blogger. And then you can earn a huge sum of money by sitting at home. I have shared some FAQ below, every new blogger asks me.

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What is a blog?

In a simple way, Blog is a personal website, where you can share your personal knowledge to worldwide through blogging.

Who is the blogger?

I am also a blogger, by the way, the person who manages his blog and works on it, like writing, promoting on his blog, such person is called a blogger.

How much money can you make from blogging?

Well, it does not have any perfect answer, but it totally depends upon your hard work and dedication, how much you earn depends, the more users come to your blog, the more you will earn. You cannot become rich overnight, but if you take charge and do with interest, you can make a huge amount of money from blogging.

Complete step by step guide to earning money online with blogging.

Here, I will tell you all the steps by steps by which you can make money sitting at home. I will just tell a simple and easy step by which you can become a blogger and make your own identity in the internet world.

  1. Select your blog topic/ niche.

The first and most important thing for your blog is to select your blog topic. If you look at my blog theme, you will see a different topic my blog is covering, you can say it’s multi-niche. All topics written on this blog are not composed by me exclusively. If you sustain a team goes for multi-niche and if you are planning to alone manage your blog, then go for single subject/niche.

There is no such difficulty to find topics, you can go by your favorite topics and interest subjects. You can write on those topics, in which you have great knowledge. If you find any difficulties, search on Google to find popular topics.

  1. Select a correct blogging platform.

You will find on the internet, there are tons of platform available for blogging. But there is only 2 famous blogging platform, that is WordPress and blogger (

If you are new, I recommend you to stick with Blogspot, because it is free and you also get blogging expose later you can shift to WordPress, in WordPress you need to buy an own domain and hosting.

Read- How to create a website or blog.

  1. Buy a domain name.

A domain is a name of your website which represents the address of your website. Without addressing no one can visit. It is barely like your home address. Example-, here is your domain name. There are dissimilar cases of domain extensions. For instance, .com,.net,.in.Org, etc.  These lands are the high character in nature. You can purchase your domain from GoDaddy, big rock, etc. if you don’t want to buy a domain you can use the free domain (Blogspot).

READ- what is web hosting and it types.

  1. Design your blog appropriately.

The layout and design play a very significant role in your blog. You can make it simple and stylish. By the way, I recommend you to use simple layout which helps your blog to load fast. You can use pre-design template and theme which is easily available in WordPress and blogger.

  1. Add some important pages to your blog.

These pages are must for your blog, I have listed below.

  • About us– on this page, you have to give details about you and your blog.
  • Contact us – on this page you have to give your contact detail and you can also you contact form.
  • Privacy policy– on this page you have to give privacy detail of your page.
  1. Write article and post.

After all, the setting up, write quality blog posts. After all, content is king and your blog layout is queen.  Start writing posts on your web log. The more valuable your content is, the more you will attract traffic to your blog. The more you get traffic the more you gain money. The more post you post frequently the more visitors will come to your blog.

  1. Do marketing and branding of your blog.

This is an important task, develop and build your blog as a brand and do marketing. For branding, design your blog unique, makes a unique logo, add a favicon. And for marketing, use various social media websites. Build your own Facebook, google +  and twitter page.

  1. Learn SEO (search engine optimization).

This is quite stiff and interesting topic, it’s will take the time to learn basic.  SEO is evergreen and you will discover new things every day. In a general way, SEO means how to rank your article and blog posts on search engines like bing, google, yahoo etc. I will write a detailed post on this topic, subscribe my blog and keep reading.

  1. Monetize your blog.

This is what you are searching for on google “how to earn money from blog”. There are so many ways you can earn money from a blog. On my blog, I use Adsense to make money, you can also use other ad networks, affiliate marketing. You can also earn money by delivering sales, merchandise, paid positions, business boards, sponsored reviews, email marketing and by selling your blog. Your total and estimated earning totally depends upon on your traffic.

  1. Improve your blog traffic.

Traffic is a very important component for any blog and internet site. Without a traffic, the blog is like a desert without water. After you build your blog, start focusing on how to increase traffic. To increase your blog traffic use social media, community forum and learn and use SEO.

I hope you like this post, through this post I have shared basis of blogging, I will share more information in the next article.

So thanks for reading to the end of the post, if you have any question, comment below and share your experience.

About the author

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Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

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