How to create a successful and happy life.

How to create a successful and happy life.

              How to create a successful and happy life.

Life is a journey, on a journey we sometimes face happiness and sadness, but the interesting part is nothing is permanent. The ultimate destination of everyone is to precede a successful and happy life. Why we are working hard, day and night? Why are we doing any work? Because we want a happy life. We can measure a life in the scale of 100cm, where 30cm is hard work we are doing to lead 70cm a happy life. But no one can guarantee that you will lead a rest of living a happy life. To lead a happy life, we need to maintain a strong 4 pillars. Without these pillars, we can’t imagine leading a happy life. All four pillars are dependent on each other; if any one of the pillars is missing, then we can’t lead a happy life.

  • Physical health.
  • Mental health.
  • Financial status.
  • Social status.

These are the 4 pillars, which helps to lead you to live a happy life. Even one of the pillars you don’t experience, ultimately, you will unable to inhabit a happy and successful lifetime.

  • Physical health

For a successful life, health is the first ingredient. If we are fit and healthy, then every task you specify yourself, it will become easy for you. Without health, you cannot achieve other three pillars.

We lose our health in the process of earning money and then we lose money in trying to regain health

A sound health is your wealth.  A good health entails a respectable tone of liveliness. Poor health caused, Lack of communication Distrust, Irritation Anger Close-mindedness, Prejudice, No team spirit, Breakdown of morale Lack of credibility, Uncooperative behavior, Poor self-esteem, Conflict, Suspicion, Frustration, Loss of productivity, Unhappiness.

So friends if you want to be a happy life, then take up working first on your wellness. Stick with a good routine time table, walking, yoga and a good balance diet. Quit alcohol, smoke, if you want to good health for a good happy life.  Later all “health is wealth”.

  • Mental health.

This is the second pillar of a successful and happy life.

Mental Represents knowledge and wisdom.

If you mentally ill, then how can you contrive for a safer future. Even if you planned for your future, you will produce your own obstacles and negative feelings. For good mental health, first, you need to maintain good physical health. If you physically healthy, then you will also be mentally sound.


  • Financial status.

Financial status Represents our career and the things that money can buy. Financial status is the third pillar of a successful life. In today’s world “money is the king”, without money no one will respect, even people don’t care about you if your fiscal condition is miserable. This doesn’t mean to get good financial status; you require to go through illegal manner.  A good financial status can be earned through hard work with smart work. What money can’t buy?

Amusements but not happiness. A bed but not sleep. Books but not wisdom. A clock but not more time. Companions but not friends. Finery but not beauty. Food but not appetite. A house but not a home. Medicine but not health. A ring but not a marriage. If your fiscal status is secure, you will be glad about your present position. Your financial status is immediately connected through physical and mental wellness. Even your financial condition is secure but your physical and mental health are poor, then your financial status has no purpose. Without good health, you can’t enjoy your financial status name and renown.


  • Social status.

If you financially strong with a sound health, people will like and adore you. In the process of making money, we neglect our social responsibilities and let the system deteriorate till we become victims ourselves. Frankly, I say, people respect and care, who is financially secure. Every individual and organization have a social responsibility without which society starts dying. So, friends, social status help you maintain to better successful life.


And then starts from today itself to build these pillars, one by one.

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This article is written by Mr. Sai Kiran, who is a scholar and pursuing B. Tech in mechanical. He is a dandy and an excellent writer, he also writes for newspaper and magazines. We hope for his bright future. Thanks, Sai Kiran one again for sharing this awesome post with us.

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Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

Category: Hack My Life

About Sophie Wester

Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

4 thoughts on “How to create a successful and happy life.

  1. aditya

    Really inspiring post, sir i have problem, past few days i feel depressed and with negative thought. Sir i want to meet you personally, could i get your number.


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