How to be happy in life.

        How to be happy in life ,  habits of happy people.


What is a success, really? Do we value happiness in the scale of monetary value? What kind of people do you say a successful person? Do every rich person is a successful person??



We can’t measure success in the scale of monetary but we can measure happiness. That’s why we can say that each person who is happy most of the time during the day a such person is a successful person.


How to be happy in life ,  habits of happy people.


Wake up early-

Get up early in the morning. When we get up before sunrise, so we have a different experience and it seems to welcome us to the values of nature in a new day. Just before dawn, the sky view is awesome and it feels like we are passing with a raw vigor.


This is my own personal experience. When I wake up early I feel happy on that day, when I wake up late I feel not happy.


The advantage of waking up early.


  • We can take out time for yoga, meditation, and exercise.
  • Creativity increases.
  • Positive and the good start.
  • We can prepare a goal for the day.
  • According to Ayurveda, when we wake up before sunrise air flow like nectar in our body, which assists in making a new vitality.
  • We can experience the wonderful nature.
  • Be set up mentally for the whole the day.


Practice meditation, yoga, and workout.

By practicing yoga and meditation we became physically and mentally sound.  Yoga and meditation   help to too far away from the mental disorder and physical ailments and we became mentally competent. It is proven fact that through meditation and yoga, we can overwhelm from all tension. A person who regularly does yoga, his internal power is awakened, so that he can face any circumstances in his life.


Live in the present

According to the scientists, most of people 70 to 90 % live in past and most of the time we think in the future, which is meaningless and useless.

If you analyze the cause of our problem and stress. We will find that 90% of our cause, of stress, was in the past or future. This implies that at the present there is no trouble. And the cause of our stress is either of incidence of past or fear of failure.


If the cause of stress is past, so you can’t do anything for that. We are taking tension without any beside the peak, which injects the virus into our psyche.


If the grounds of stress is future, then present is connected to the time to come. The present is will decide the future. We should be in the present moment because neither we have any dominance in the past or future.


Do what you like and like what you do.

At least one hour a day to manage something you enjoy such as playing, listening, writing, listen to music and so on such actions provide a new energy and that make you recharge to do something great. If possible, turn your career into your interested area.

We should make our career in that field, which we have, an interest. If we are working in an area in which we are not interested and then we have two choices:-

  • Either modify your workplace and establish your career in that theater of operations which you have interested in it.
  • If not possible to convert your workplace or your field, that make your current works to interesting.


If we neither of above two alternatives are not taken up, and we keep doing the work, which is we are not interested in doing, then we are unable to give 100% in our task and ultimately wasting most our time.


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This awesome article, (how to be happy) is written by “Mr. Vishal Kumar”. Who is currently pursuing his career in psychology.

Thank you for sharing this interesting article. We desire for your promising future.


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Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

Category: Hack My Life

About Sophie Wester

Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

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