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How to earn money online in India for students

How to earn money online in India for students

How To Make Money Online, Today on this blog post, I will tell you how you can earn money online sitting at home.

I started my blogging in 2015, since then I have earned around 10 to 2000000 rupees from Google Adsense. I can tell you one thing by experience that you can earn money online easily but you need to work hard and you also need to be patient these two things are in you, then you can also earn money by keeping well.

Now is a good time to earn money online. Now I see that since the lock-down has taken place, many companies are getting their employees out of jobs and people are unemployed, so online is the way to stand on your own feet. You can easily earn ₹ 500- ₹ 600 of the day or 30000 to ₹ 40000 of the month because I am earning I know that you can also earn but cannot earn immediately, you have to wait three to four months then your earning will start

There are many ways to earn money online, I will tell you only four ways which is right and I will tell you the way that I earn.

By earning money online, you will become independent, you will be recognized among people, you will get a little money, and now you can earn money by following such a student, job, or sitting at home.

So these 4 ways you can earn online.

Youtube- earn money online in India

On today’s date, YouTube has the highest traffic. Millions of people are making millions of rupees a month by making videos on YouTube. You should also earn money by making videos on YouTube. To earn money on YouTube, you must have a laptop, internet, and a camera. You can also do it by mobile, just keep uploading videos of the thing that you like and keep collecting subscribers, then your earning will start after your 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time after that your income starts coming. It is easy to get quick on YouTube and it is easy to do blogging because I have seen a lot of people, since 2 months, it is being started in millions, it does not happen in blogging.

Blogging earn money online in India

You can also earn a lot of money from blogging, but you have to work very hard in blogging. It is not easy to make money by blogging, it was easy to earn money from blogging in 2010 or 2012 because the competition was less but now people blogging more Millions of websites are being created every day, its competition in blogging is very high, if you want success, then you need to work hard on blogging as well as be very patient because blogging has more competition now anything niche Pick it up and you want to go to any niche blog, it will have competition in it, the content will be already available, that is why it is difficult to earn money from blogging, but it is not that you cannot earn money from blogging, you can earn money in a way, but by hard work, You should have a lot of things together

And if you compare blogging and youtube on YouTube you will soon be successful but not on blogging because blogging is already a competition but if you are blogging, then you will write a lot of skills like digital marketing search engine optimization in digital marketing then social media marketing How to create backlinks, how to write content, all these will also be of great use in the future.

When you compare blogging and YouTube, you will earn less money on YouTube in the blogging competition because you will get more money on blogging, which is more clicks, you will get more on blogging than Adsense. If you have thousands of views on blogging then you will get $ 3-4. If you get thousands of views on YouTube, then you will get only $ 1 more.

Fiverr -earn money online in India

You must have heard the name of Fiverr first, you can sell your skill in Fiverr, whatever you have, such as web designing, Facebook marketing, email marketing, Twitter marketing or your skill in Photoshop can sell all these skills on Fiverr

I worked in Fiverr for just two-three months and I earned around 30000 to ₹ 40000 when I can, you can too. In Fiverr, I created backlinks for website designing, Photoshop did some editing, then I do about 20. Took 15 orders and earned 35000 to 40000 rupees from this border and have sung a lot of orders to complete it, then the income becomes much better as the income is 9 to 5 jobs, it gets more income from Fiverr.

Affiliate marketing earns money online in India

You can make a lot of income from affiliate marketing. When I started blogging, I used to review mobiles and used to give affiliate links. I used to get a commission on whoever bought from that link. You can use both Amazon and Flipkart. My income is quite good with affiliates. I will post details about it, how you can earn from affiliate.

Let me tell you just four things, how you can earn money online, there are other ways to sit at home, as you can earn from Telegram, you can earn from Facebook and you can earn by email marketing, there are many ways. And all those people can earn only 10 in lakhs, and what I have told you is that every person, if anyone works hard, he will have income and money is to be found.

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Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

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