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Blogger or WordPress, which is the best for making money?

Blogger or WordPress, which is the best for making money?

Are you planning to start a blog or a website, but you perhaps confused which platform is preeminent to build, whether to build in blogger or WordPress. Then don’t take stress on this, I will guide through my experience which is the best, WordPress or a blogger.

But the foremost question must come into your mind, why you are creating a blog or WordPress. The reasons may be anything, maybe you are creating a blog for making online, to share your valuable knowledge with the world or maybe want to showcase your talent.

I will give you my complete assurance, on each and every point, I will review these two platforms without any bias. So you can select the best platform for your work according to your choice and depend and need of work.

Blogger or WordPress, which is the best for making a website.

  • Which is the user-friendly, WordPress or Blogger?

If you are new to blogging or website and you don’t have any none technical skill, then I strongly recommend you to sign up with blogger because in this you don’t have to do any cumbersome work, it is very easy to use and its just like using an MS word, only you have to drag and drop.

To use WordPress you need to have some amount of technical skills. You need to install WordPress in your hosting server, and you will also come to know new technical words. But the positive note is, you can get all tutorials about WordPress on the internet.

In simple words, you will never face any error in blogger. Whereas in WordPress its become slightly complicated.

  • Price- WordPress or Blogger.

As we all know, blogger is google product, so we don’t have to spend a single penny for its services.  WordPress is an open source software, but for installing WordPress on web space we need to purchase hosting.

  • Blog Ownership and control.

Blogger is a blogging service provided by the tech giant Google. It is free, reliable most of the time, and quite enough to publish your stuff on the web. Blogger is not owned by you, so the final say will always be somebody else. You have to be heedful of their terms and conditions all the time. With WordPress, you utilize a WordPress hosting provider to host your own website. You are free to decide how long you want to run it and when you want to close it down. As you own your WordPress website and the software is open source, you’re free to use it how you like. Your web server will suffer their own terms of service that you’ll have to follow, but, if you fall afoul of their rules, you’ll receive the alternative of moving your WordPress website to another web hosting company.

  • Features- WordPress or Blogger.

WordPress has more features as compare with Blogger, you customized almost anything in WordPress. A wide range of themes is available and plugins too. Whereas in blogger, there are limited resources as compared to WordPress.

  • Portability and support.

Moving your site from Blogger to a different platform is a complicated undertaking. Thither is a substantial risk that you will lose your SEO (search engine rankings (, subscribers, and followers during the movement. But whereas in WordPress you can back up everything. WordPress is known for its good support services. WordPress has a very active community support system. There is online documentation, community forums.

  • SEO friendly, WordPress or Blogger.

By looking at SEO factor, if we compare, WordPress is far better than Blogger. We can install plugins like Yoast to better functioning of SEO. You also obtain complete mastery of the SEO including adding SEO plugins to get your blog more SEO friendly. Moreover, you can constantly insert the latest SEO techniques like “star ratings” using a plugin such as Rich Snippets.

Blogger is the product of Google, in the context of protection no other program can beat blogger platform in terms of protection. You don’t need to worry about managing your server’s resources, securing your blog, or creating backups. Whereas WordPress its own custom host, its lack security and its loopholes.

  • High-quality website Blogger vs WordPress.

No one can deny this fact, WordPress is more independent than blogger. You can easily create an astonishingly high-quality website with the help of WordPress.

We hope this WordPress vs Blogger comparison helped you see the pros and cons of each to help you arrive at the correct decision for your clientele. The Blogger platform is beneficial when you are awaiting for a mere blog. “In a nutshell, WordPress is an amazing tool for a full-time professional blogger. But BlogSpot is still the best blogger platform for the masses. There are no big technical hazards. As I mentioned in the article, if you are blogging for passion, for your personal diary, writing or anything.. BlogSpot is good.. And I stick to it. But when you are looking at the bigger picture.. self-hosted blogs are the proper option.

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Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

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