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7 ways you can make money from Facebook.

         make money from facebook

               7 ways you can make money from Facebook.

How to make money from Facebook. Yes, you heard right! You can make money from Facebook easily. Just you have to need a Facebook account.  I guess no one is there who don’t have a Facebook account, even my grandpa has a Facebook account. You all know we can create a Facebook account in free. Facebook does not even pay you for using neither Facebook charge from you for using Facebook. But we know that millions of people are activated on Facebook, we can connect on Facebook these people with the help of them we can earn a good decent amount of bucks.

Remember Facebook don’t even compensate a single $ to you, but you can make money with the help of Facebook.

This is mere trickery. If you want to earn money, you have to sell your service or products. For sale a product or service, you must have ready-made consumers. If you don’t have consumers, then build it slowly.  In the same way, to earn money from Facebook, you necessitate having large consumers (Facebook users).

Create a Facebook community, which people can follow and join you easily. Then the foremost thing you require to have a Facebook page or Facebook group. You necessitate bringing lots of likes on your page. Your income directly depends on upon your Facebook page followers and group followers. The more like and followers the more you can earn money from Facebook.

7 ways you can make money through Facebook.

  • Simple affiliate marketing.

Affiliate selling is one of the oldest kinds of marketing, where you refer some to any online product or service and that person buys the product, you will be receiving a commission. In other words, affiliates, marketing means promoting and recommending the product to buy. If anyone purchases the product you will get paid.  You can share any product, affiliate link on Facebook. If anyone clicks on your affiliate link and buys the product, you will get paid or commission by Affiliate Company. Your income depends on upon the number of products purchased from an affiliate link.

We can share affiliate links on the Facebook page and Facebook group.

You get easily affiliate link from e-commerce website i.e.  Flipkart, amazon etc. Only you need to create affiliate marketing account on these e-commerce accounts. This way you can make big money easily.

Remember, if you are sharing any affiliate link, it must be interesting. The product you are sharing it may be getting a huge discount.

  • Sell your Facebook page.

You have been seen so many Facebook pages on Facebook. But, many of the pages are created for time pass or for promoting products, services, and new business.

But many times, usually, company buy the Facebook page, which has already had so many likes so that they can reach mass people quickly and promote their products and pages.

So if you have a Facebook page, then you can sell and can make money. But the condition is, you must have so many likes on your pages and it must be active.

  • Sell your Facebook post.

There are so many big and popular websites are on the internet. They spend huge amounts for their website promotion. These websites want high traffic instantly. But you need to share their website link on your page. If you have a Facebook page which has already so many likes, share their links on your page in return you can earn money. is a site where you get a link, only you need to create an account on this website. After getting a link, share it on your page.

I have already shared about the short link. You can sort any URL and share on Facebook. If anyone clicks on your link, you will get paid.

  • Sell your Facebook group.

You can sell your Facebook group if the member is high. Sell your Facebook group in the same manner as a Facebook page.


  • Make money through PPD network.

PPD means pay per download. In this you only need to share the download links; if anyone clicks on your link and download it, you will get paid.

  • Promote your own website or blog.

If you have any blog or website then promotes it on Facebook. Facebook is a better place for any promotion.  Only you need to create a Facebook page and share it on the Facebook page. Whenever you write a new post on your blog it directly reaches to your followers. In this way, you can generate a high traffic on your website.

Friends, thanks for reading the post till the end. After reading this post may you learned new things which you don’t earlier. If you’re using Facebook more than enough, then I say, use this method to generate a good income from Facebook. I may guess, you may have friends who use Facebook more than enough, then share it with them. Your one share can change his life and he can utilize more time on effective work.


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Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

1 thought on “7 ways you can make money from Facebook.”

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