DCP full form DCP Ka full form in Hindi and English

DCP full form  DCP Ka full form in Hindi and English.

I will share today DCP full form or DCP Ka full form. Many people have a furious interest even in small things. I come up with DCP full form – DCP Ka full.


DCP stands for Deputy Commissioner of Police. Deputy Commissioner of Police, DCP is the rank, which is equivalent to Superintendent of Police (SP) rank. Police commissioner consists of several districts, each headed by a DCP who is an IPS officer in the senior scale. 

An IPS Officer is promoted to senior scale in 4 years as Additional SP or DCP. A DCP usually has about minimum of 6/7 years as an IPS officer.

This designation is in the commissionerate system of the police which you find in Delhi/Mumbai/Gurugram etc.

 To become a DCP one should be first an IPS officer, which is taken through either direct recruitment via UPSC or by advancement from the state police service.

DCP full form  DCP Ka full form in Hindi and English

(डीसीपी)  डिप्टी  कमिश्नर ऑफ पुलिस। पुलिस उपायुक्त, DCP रैंक है, जो पुलिस अधीक्षक (SP) रैंक के बराबर है। पुलिस कमिश्नरेट में कई जिले होते हैं, जिनमें से प्रत्येक में एक डीसीपी होता है, जो वरिष्ठ स्तर पर एक आईपीएस अधिकारी होता है।

एक IPS अधिकारी को 4 साल में एडिशनल SP या DCP के रूप में पदोन्नत किया जाता है। एक डीसीपी के पास आमतौर पर IPS अधिकारी के रूप में लगभग 6/7 वर्ष होते हैं।

यह पदनाम पुलिस की आयुक्त प्रणाली में है जो आपको दिल्ली / मुंबई / गुरुग्राम आदि में मिलती है

  डीसीपी बनने के लिए सबसे पहले एक आईपीएस अधिकारी होना चाहिए जो यूपीएससी के माध्यम से या तो सीधी भर्ती के माध्यम से या राज्य पुलिस सेवा से पदोन्नति द्वारा चयनित हो।

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Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of Gyanvardaan.com. I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

Category: Education zone

About Sophie Wester

Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of Gyanvardaan.com. I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

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