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Should You Wait for Discounts or Buy the Mobile Phone Now?

New smartphones are often released these days, and these new models always seem to be the corner of attraction for people. Knowing when is the perfect time to buy a new smartphone can be difficult. But, no need to worry. We have got a solution for you. This guide will help you know the perfect time for buying a smartphone. 

If you want to buy mobile phone right now instead of waiting, there are some drawbacks. We advise you that you should wait for discounts. If you wait for it, you can buy it for a little lower cost, especially considering the general increase in the price of smartphones.

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You have to get a new phone at the right moment to get a discount. If you buy a mobile at the time it launched, you must feel good because you are the first one to have it, but it’s usually a bad idea. While purchasing a new smartphone, you must keep patience to maximize discounts. 

In this article, we have closely monitored phone price trends and determined the most advantageous periods to purchase a new one. Here are the ideal occasions to buy a new phone!

  1. During A Pre-Order Period

 If you want to save money, you should avoid purchasing a phone immediately. It is much better to purchase it during the pre-order time. Even though you’ll be among the first to buy the product, you can save some money too. You can anticipate two different types of discounts during the pre-order phase. A one-time discount is the first option. When making a purchase, make sure to check all the smartphone retailers because some businesses may try to undercut their competitors to attract more pre-orders. Also, you can check to get the best discount for your new purchases for smartphones and accessories like smartwatches. The other offer, which is more typical, entitles you to many gifts along with your purchase. But, these offers are usually available for the most well-known and pricey smartphones.

  1. Just one month before the release of the new model

This advice is only for those who are content to purchase a phone that will soon be obsolete. The perfect time to buy an older model of a phone is around a month before the newer model is launched because that is typically the time when stores start to discount their older models to clear out their stock. With the release of a new phone, discounts are offered, sometimes even higher.

  1. During Black Friday sale

Every year on the fourth Thursday of November, a shopping event known as Black Friday provides significant discounts on many goods, including smartphones. You can also shop online as there are plenty of offers available. Yet this occasion occurs at the end of the mobile phone market season, after Techtober (October) and Techtember (September). Also, Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, and other brands, are all flagships that have already been released before November.

  1. When Amazon Prime Day begins

In 2015, Amazon introduced Prime Day to mark the 20th anniversary of the start of the website. The business gives savings to its Prime subscribers on smartphones, electronics, and many other items you need to buy during Prime Day. It does not always happen on the same day; the event normally occurs in the middle of July. In 2022, Amazon celebrated two prime days in one year. It was celebrated on October 2022, known as the Prime Early Access sale. To avail of the best discounts and deals, you should keep an eye on Amazon’s shopping day if you are a prime subscriber. You can also sign up for a free trial to access all the discounts. 

As a result, if you are thinking to buy a new smartphone, Amazon’s Prime Day sale is one of the best occasions to do so, and it is the second-best opportunity after the massive Black Friday sale.

  1. During Boxing Day sales

The day after Christmas Day is known as Boxing Day celebrated on December 26. Countries like Ireland, New Zealand, the UK, and a few others, provide substantial discounts on mobile phones and other electronic goods. This day is increasingly celebrated by businesses in nations that do not observe the holiday as a way to attract customers and boost sales through a variety of promotions. Because of this, it’s worthwhile to look into phone offers on this day, no matter where you live.

Final Words

In this article, we have given you a detailed overview of when to buy smartphones. You should wait for the best discounts and deals throughout the year if you want a new smartphone

Should You Wait for Discounts or Buy the Mobile Phone Now?

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Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

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