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A Review of Great Learning’s Data Science with Machine Learning Program

When it comes to making sense of this data, the phrases data science and machine learning are sometimes used similarly. But this is incorrect. In practice, machine learning and data science are distinct professions with distinct purposes.

What exactly is Data Science?

Previously, businesses and other institutions could save most of their data in Microsoft Excel Sheets. Even the most basic Business Intelligence tools could analyze and interpret this data. The absence of a large volume of data simplified data processing and management. However, as time passed, the quantity of data created each day increased.

You’ve probably heard of Forbes’ research claiming approximately 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created daily. According to Raconteur, 463 Exabytes of data will be created worldwide every day by 2025.

Importance of Data Science

The quantity of data available has never been greater than it is now. Similarly, the complexity of the data grows with time. A data scientist must simultaneously deal with several data types to make predictions and draw conclusions with the best data science courses. Because of the rising volume and complexity, there is a need for approaches, methods, or tools that may assist Data Scientists or Data Analysts in analyzing more effectively and swiftly.

To meet this demand, the researchers developed Data Science, a mix of advanced Machine Learning algorithms coupled with a range of tools to assist Data Scientists and Data Analysts in decision-making, uncovering new patterns, and developing new Predictive Analysis methods.

What exactly is Machine Learning?

Data-driven methods may now be used to teach machines. On a larger scale, if AI (Artificial Intelligence) is considered the central framework, Machine Learning is a subset of AI. Machine Learning, a collection of Algorithms, enables Machines or Computers to learn from data without human involvement.

Machine Learning is based on teaching and training machines by giving them data and defining attributes. Computers learn, grow, adapt, and evolve independently, without explicit programming, when given new and relevant data. Machines can acquire extremely nothing in the absence of information. The Machine examines the dataset, discovers patterns, learns from the behavior, and generates predictions.

What are the Applications of Great Learning Data Science With Machine Learning?

The following are among the most frequent applications of Great Learning’s Data Science With Machine Learning:

Navigation in Real Time:

Google Maps is one of the most popular Real-Time Navigation apps. But have you ever questioned why, while being stuck in traffic, you are taking the shortest route? It is due to data obtained from users who are now utilizing this service and the Historical Traffic Data database. Everyone who utilizes this service helps to improve the accuracy of this application. When you use the app, it continually transmits data back to Google, delivering information about the route taken and traffic patterns at any time of day. All of the data produced by the number of people who are using the software daily has provided Google with a large collection of traffic data, enabling Google Maps to not only track the traffic at the moment but also predict the outcome if you stay on the same course.

Recognition of images:

Image Recognition is among the most prominent Machine Learning applications in Data Science. Image Recognition is used to recognize objects, people, and locations. Face Recognition on Smartphones, Automatic Friends Tagging Recommendations on Facebook, and other popular applications utilize this program.

Product Suggestion:

Product recommendation is widely employed by eCommerce and entertainment organizations such as Amazon, Netflix, and Hotstar. They offer items or services based on data obtained from you using different Machine Learning algorithms.

Recognition of Speech:

The technique of translating spoken phrases into writing is known as speech recognition. Text may be expressed in words, sub-word units, syllables, or characters. Some well-known applications are Siri, YouTube Closed Captioning, Google Assistant, and so on.

The 5 Major Steps in the Great Learning’s Data Science With Machine Learning Process

Data Gathering:

Data collection is regarded as the first stage in GL’s DS-ML Program. Collecting relevant and accurate data becomes critical since the quality and quantity of data directly influence the output of your Machine Learning Model. This dataset is then utilized for training your data model, as explained in the preceding section.

Preparation of Data:

The first stage in the whole Data Preparation process is data cleaning. This is a critical step in preparing the data for analysis. Data preparation guarantees no wrong or faulty data points in the dataset. It also entails converting the data to a single format. The dataset is divided into two portions that will be utilized for training and assessing the effectiveness of the Trained Model, respectively.

Model Development:

This is where the “learning” process begins with GL’s DS-ML Program. To forecast the output value, the Training dataset is utilized. This output is bound to deviate from the required value in the first iteration. However, practice makes perfect. After making certain tweaks to the startup, the procedure is repeated. The Training data is utilized to increase your model’s prediction accuracy progressively.

Model Assessment:

When you’ve finished training your model, it’s time to assess its performance. The dataset put aside during the Data Preparation procedure is used in the assessment process. This data should have been utilized to train the model. Thus, testing your Data Model against a new dataset will give you a sense of how your model will perform in real-world applications.


The fact that your model has been trained and assessed does not imply that it is flawless and suitable for deployment. Tuning the parameters makes the model even better. Prediction is the culmination of GL’s DS-ML Program. That’s the phase at which the Data Model is installed, and the Machine uses its knowledge to respond to your queries.

Now that you have a general understanding of the Machine Learning process let’s look at the different Machine Learning Algorithms in Data Science.


Organizations nowadays place a strong emphasis on leveraging data to enhance their offerings. Without Machine Learning, Data Science is just Data Analysis. Data Science and Machine Learning are inextricably linked. Machine Learning simplifies the life of a Data Scientist by automating processes. Machine Learning will be widely utilized shortly to evaluate massive amounts of data. As a result, Data Scientists must be well-versed in Machine Learning to be productive.

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Hiee, Beautiful people. This is Yamini, Co-founder of I am an enthusiastic writer. I am From Meg, The city of Beautify. I love to write and publish related to Tech and Lifestyle.

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